Wednesday, May 5, 2010


“You must be joking, right?” that’s what my friend said when I shared about Jesus to him. To be honest I was not surprised because am used to these kinds of response. What is that block that keeps people away from Jesus???? I have been thinking about it for years and I came up to a conclusion and I have my reasons to believer it is so.
First of all what Jesus done for man is something BIG really BIG….. It is written in bible that he came to save man. “Save man from what”? That’s what my Muslim friend asked me “from sin!”. I replayed. “Oh?”he said. He was never really convinced. How will he be convinced? The only way in which he can be convinced is by making him understand the simplicity of faith in the person of Jesus.
God when created man has setup high standards for living…. Which in other words we can say Holy life. This is difficult and hard to follow especially with an inbuilt sinful nature. Even if you are following it forcefully even by word you could still be doing it wrong .The classical examples are the Pharisees about whom Jesus took long time to scold .Anyways this sinful nature within man makes him do the worst things in his life. It starts from our thoughts then to our speech and finally to our action. That’s why in Mathew 5 Jesus taught us about these staring from sexual sins, anger, swaring etc….
In between let me tell you SIN and DEATH are the two reality that every human being face in the day to day life. And No religion except Christianity gives away a complete explanation for this. Only Jesus Christ teaches the about the real Meaning of suffering. Everyone other religion says if you sin you will suffer!!! But that’s not the truth . Is it??We are living it a world in which the moral values are corrupted widely. Along with that the devil is using every others religion as a pawn to spread false doctrines a teaching poor people stupid things…
You see that’s where the role of Jesus Christ comes to play. He take you disadvantage and make it into an advantage. He demonstrated it with himself on the Cross. Centuries ago cross was considered as a symbol of shame and suffering. Which he turned it into a symbol of hope a salvation for many millions today. We discussed about the inbuilt sin nature that is in you and me .Give it to Jesus and he‘ll take that away and make you into a brand new person .That what Paul says “If one is in Christ he is a new creation old is gone everything is new”. Only Jesus offers you that security and protection . No insurance company can give this much. When you accept Jesus he sends his sprit into you who will dwell within you forever . He will guide into a Holy living.
I seen powers and principalities ruling this world. People cheating each other for money and opportunities. Father cheating son, mother cheating daughter, sexual perversions ,adulteries, suffering .The damage done to man is so huge. It affects everyone . Sprit of the man is broken. So many broken hearts. Desperately looking for love. Let me tell you, You have messed up long enough how long are you going to continue like this . You can argue as much you want ……….. in the end it is written ‘every knee shall bow before him’. Why don’t you bow willingly now.
The day is coming when Jesus will come again to Judge everyone. European Union, Israel –Palestine problems, nuclear weapons are the signs of it. The entire government around the planet will be wiped out and its gonna be His rule from then. When he Judges who will stand before him blameless with this sinful nature. It is also written in bible that who ever accepts Jesus will not have Judgment.
Many people have come with way of salvation . I looked at them closely they never had answers for the simplest things that I asked him. As for me I have accepted Jesus Christ as my lord and personal savior. When difficulties and questions arises in my little life. I bow my knees in front of him. And in him I find everything . the one “WHO MADE LIFE SIMPLE FOR ME”. TRY Jesus Its Worth living for Him

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